Accelerating medical affairs with AI

Insights ->

Conversational insights from HCPs on social, audio, video.

Refine ->

Solving for incomplete, biased, and too much information.

Subtract ->

Nothing but tailored insights to each individual MSL.

Accelerate ->

Accelerate your team by giving them opportunities, not noise.

What is Erudio Health?

Conversational insights from HCPs on social, podcast, and video

Erudio Health accelerates your medical affairs team and MSLs by providing them with exactly what they need to know about HCPs’ conversations on specific clinical trials, drugs, publications, and TAs.

No overhead. No training. No passwords. Just carefully distilled insights delivered seamlessly into their existing workflow at the correct time.

Our AI creates tailored insights to each individual MSL by analyzing all conversational threads, images, audio, and video from HCPs.

The problem with existing insight solutions

Solving for incomplete, biased, and too much information

The problem of too much information stems from a lack of tailoring. But tailoring is too expensive and time consuming. Not for AI.

The weakness of traditional insight reports lies in their human authorship who are using analytics tools that extract only the top data points. The human context window is too small to capture more, leading to loss of balance and details found in the long tail of information.

With AI's larger context window, Erudio Health produces more truthful insights from having the full unbiased conversational depth in memory.

Shield your team from wasteful data production and consumption

Acceleration via subtraction

Erudio Health is led by the founders of Symplur, pioneers of healthcare social media analytics. The Symplur tool served Pharma, governments and academia, and had a thousand journal articles published.

Today, we are accelerating medical affairs with the next-gen insight solution, eliminating the need for an analytics tool all together.

Analytics tools are already dead. They require too much effort, produce too much data, and demand too much of your time. It's time to delete.

You shouldn't work to get insights, insights should work for you.



Erudio Health Reports

Weekly tailored reports for medical affairs teams and MSLs

For timely and relevant insight delivery.

Daily reports during medical conferences and events

For real-time, event-specific intelligence.

Point-of-view analysis on own and competing drugs

For strategic and competitive analysis.

Deep analysis of HCP conversations on specific trials, drugs and TAs

For comprehensive market insight.

Email delivery with optional PDF/PPT offering deeper insights

For convenient and accessible information.



Notification emails to MSL when HCP in their territory talk about our trials

Enables quick, localized responses.

Emails detail triggering content plus full conversation story and context

Enhancing situational awareness and insight.

Context includes all involved HCPs, shared articles and images

For HCP impact estimation and stakeholder mapping.

Only one notification email is sent per day, if any

For streamlined and non-intrusive updates.

MSL territory zip codes mapped to HCP NPIs and their practice locations

For precise and tailored regional targeting.

Erudio Health Notifications



MedAffairsGPT Venetoclax

Immediate answers

Get tailored answers from AI agent MedAffairsGPT that knows your specific needs within a TA.

Updated daily with the latest HCP podcasts

Countless hours of HCP audio and video podcasts analyzed daily.

Trusted insights with references

All answers are throughly documented with inline citations and footnotes.

HCP hosts and guests linked to NPI

Instantly see NPI medical specialty and location data.

Summary for medical affairs

Every episode is summarized with just what matters for MSLs.

Clinical trials and drug analysis

Quickly glance at top trials and drugs discussed during an episode.

Testimonials from top tier Pharma MSLs

Trust the MSL voices


“These were highly valuable”
“I really liked the information condensed into one email. It was great seeing all heme onc digital insights detailed”
“The summaries were really helpful!”
“Useful for bigger conferences like ASH”
“The daily insight report was helpful, especially around hot topics”
I like the .pdf summary”


“It did alert me to a top tier KOL who doesn't tweet often so I likely would've missed it”
“Great knowledge to have for future interactions”
“I am pretty active at monitoring socials for my OLs so this basically confirmed that I didn't miss anything”

Switch to Erudio Health

Accelerate your team.
Give them opportunities, not noise.

No more gaps and ad hoc reports.
Give your team complete coverage with continuous tailored insights.

No more piecemeal negotiations and deliverables.
Accelerate your team with an annual agreement at an order of magnitude lower price.